Saturday, August 28, 2010


I debated addressing the issue of Bisphenol A (BPA). However, yet another study came out today suggesting that BPA may be raising testosterone in men (CNN). There is enough evidence on this topic that I have made a few simple changes in our home. While I do not think it's possible to totally eliminate our BPA from our lives, I do believe that we can drastically reduce our exposure to this potential evil endocrine disruptor.

What is BPA?:
"Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, is a chemical that has been used for more than 40 years in the manufacture of many hard plastic food containers such as baby bottles and reusable cups and the lining of metal food and beverage cans, including canned liquid infant formula.  Trace amounts of BPA can be found in some foods packaged in these containers.
In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration conducted a review of toxicology research and information on BPA, and, at that time, judged food-related materials containing BPA on the market to be safe.
But recent studies have reported subtle effects of low doses of BPA in laboratory animals.  While BPA is not proven to harm children or adults, these newer studies have led federal health officials to express some concern about the safety of BPA. "
- US Dept of Health and Human Services

Why is it potentially "bad" for me?
There have been so many studies done regarding the effects of BPA. Here are just a few of the findings:

  • High levels of it have been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and liver failure in humans 
  • National Toxicology Program warns that BPA may cause babies to develop abnormally.
  • Could Raise Risk of Asthma 
  • Fertility Problems
  • Sexual Dysfunction (who wants to risk that??:) 

And that's only a few of the studies out there. Regardless of what the government stance is on this chemical, I do not want to take more risks than necessary when it comes to exposure.
 For further information on the above list of findings, click on the first link below and scroll down for list of  studies

Changes I've Made:

  • BPA Free Water bottles, kids dishes/bottles 
  • Use glass as much as possible 
  • NEVER heat plastic in the microwave (the heat is what can really leech the BPA into your food)
  • Reduce use of Tomato products in cans (BPA is in the lining of canned goods-highly acidic foods increase the amount that gets into your food- thankfully I found out when freezing garden tomatoes that Ziplock brand food storage bags do NOT contain BPA)
  • Avoid purchasing food/drinks/plastic storage that contains #7 on the recycling label (found on bottom of product)

I tried to keep this as short as possible. Hopefully I provided you with enough information to ponder the next time you reach for your plastic.

Useful Resources:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

Consumer Product Safety Commission:

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences:

National Toxicology Program:

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